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Team spirit and proactivity inspires success. Join a team that prides itself on equality.

Docaposte, the digital subsidary of La Poste Group

Docaposte is affiliated to the Consumer and Digital branch of La Poste, working on the transformation and developpment of its digital activities.

La Poste Group is the 4th largest employer in France, the 13th recruiter in the digital sector. It was voted the no. 1 “useful”* company in France and is the top employer for people with disabilities.

As the digital subsidiary of La Poste, Docaposte has grown through acquisitions and mergers with companies specialising in physical and digital workflows.

Docaposte is composed of subsidiary companies, brands and business units for the following sectors: banking/finance, insurance, health, public sector, Small & Midsize Business, commerce, industry, services, utilities, telecommunications.

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Digital innovation

As the continuing growth in digitalisation and the rise of digital power in society open up a platform for technological advancements, Docaposte is committed to playing a central role.

This is why Docaposte embraces new technology to increase the value and improve the productivity of our solutions. We are adding the latest innovations to our own Know Your Client (KYC), blockchain, certification and artificial intelligence solutions.

Innovation at Docaposte is also driven by our in-house experts (UX/UI, developers, engineers, architects) and our technological expertise which are both supported by a reliable ecosystem (partners, start-up incubators).

Innovation is at the heart of what we do, for the benefit of everyone.
Join us now in advancing digital services for all!

Recruiting Talent!

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Our CSR commitments

Following our parent company La Poste Group, Docaposte is committed to responsible, ethical and Green IT. 

> Discover our CSR policy

Docaposte endorses women retraining in digital technologies with its support for the Femmes du Numérique programme by Numeum and Social Builder with Pole emploi, the French Job Centre. We also actively support the CEFCYS (Circle of Women in CYberSecurity) and we are committed to promoting women in digital technologies and cybersecurity.

> Discover our actions for gender equality in the digital sector 

Docaposte in videos

Docaposte 2024

Docaposte : Discover our institutional presentation.

Present across all French territories

95 sites in France

Our teams are present throughout metropolitan France and overseas

  • Guadeloupe (971)
  • Martinique (972)
  • Guiana (973)
  • La Réunion (974)
  • Sainte Clotilde (974)

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